

24th May 2024 00:19:00 Hours


The State Vesak Festival for the Sri Buddha Year 2568 (2024) is being conducted under the patronage of the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious, and Cultural Affairs at the premises of Dharmaraja Piriven Viharaya in the historic city of Matale from May 21 to May 27, 2024.

This year’s State Vesak Festival is held under the theme of “Atthano wa Awakkeyya Kathani Akathanichcha.” (Let us be attentive to what you have committed, not what others have committed.)

The Honourable Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs, Vidura Wickramanayaka, attended as the Chief Guest for the Vesak Full Moon Poya Day events held at the Dharmaraja Piriven Viharaya this morning (23 May).

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, also attended the day's activities, which were dedicated to the Buddhist Poya day rituals, symbolizing the profound spirit of reflection and devotion emanating from the teachings of Lord Buddha.

The Chief incumbent of the Dharmaraja Pirivena Venerable Kosgolle Seelarathana Thero welcomed the distinguished invitees to the festival.

During the festival, the Hon. Minister Vidura Wickramanayaka, the Hon. Governor of Central Province Lalith U Gamage, the Hon. State Minister of Defence Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, the Hon. State Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Rohana Dissanayaka, distributed the ‘Pooja Bhumi Sannas Pathra’ to the chief incumbents of several temples in the district, granting them full ownership of the lands of their temples.

The CDS and the Commander of the Army participated in the symbolic handover of the keys to a house built by the Sri Lanka Army for an economically challenged family in Kalalpitiya, Matale.

The proceedings concluded with the Bakthi Geetha performed by the students of Kalalpitiya Kshethrarama Viharaya Dhamma School.

The Armed Forces, Police, and the Civil Security Department offered momentous assistance for this year’s State Vesak Festival. They played a significant role in organizing, constructing, preparing, and arranging security for the festival. Their contributions enable the public to partake in the celebrations amid the prevailing peace and freedom in the country. As the first responders to any emergency in the country, they not only safeguard the nation but also demonstrate their dedication to enriching the cultural and spiritual essence of our society. They promote unity and harmony among diverse communities and honour the rich traditions that define our national identity.

Venerable monks from various temples in the area and abroad, several parliamentarians from the Matale district, the Secretary to the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs, the Divisional Secretary of Matale, government officials, foreign dignitaries, senior military officers, and many other distinguished invitees were among the attendees.